Current research projects

Image Calibration of Low Temperature Sensors
Image Industry 4.0 membrane heat and mass exchanger (i-MWÜ4.0)
Image Software for technical building equipment
Image High temperature heat pump
Image IO-Scan - Integral measuring optical scanning method
Image Certification of efficient air conditioning and ventilation systems through the new "indoor air quality seal" for non-residential buildings
Image Cool Up
Image Micro fluidic expansion valve
Image Innovative Parahydrogen Generator Based on Magnets
Image Swirl-free on the move...
Image Investigation according to DIN EN ISO 14903
Image Performance tests of condensing units
Image Innovative small helium liquefier
Image Investigation of material-dependent parameters
Image Influenced melting point of water by magnetic field
Image Solar Cooling

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Entwicklung von Handlungsempfehlungen für praxisgerechte Lüftungskonzepte und Entwicklung eines CO2-Berechnungstools

Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung (BBSR)

11/2017 - 03/2019

Dr.-Ing. Ralph Krause


Further Projects


Low noise and non metallic liquid-helium cryostat

Low-noise Magnetic Field Cryostat for SQUID-Applications


Cryostats, Non-Metallic and Metallic

position indenpendent, highest endurance, tiltable for liquid helium and liquid nitrogen


Calibration of Low Temperature Sensors

According to the comparative measurement method


High Capacity Pulse Tube Cooler

for Cryogenic High-Power Applications