Current research projects

Image Electrical components in refrigeration circuits
Image Calibration leak for the water bath leak test
Image Mass Spectrometer
Image Development of test methods and test rigs for stationary integrated refrigeration units
Image Verification of storage suitability of cryo tubes
Image Preformance measurements of heat exchangers
Image Test rigs for refrigeration and heat pump technology
Image Low temperature – test facilities
Image Heat2Power
Image Low Temperature Measuring Service
Image Investigation of materials
Image 3D - Air flow sensor
Image High temperature heat pump
Image Ionocaloric cooling
Image Investigation of material-dependent parameters
Image Software for test rigs

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Range of services laboratory analyses

Dr. rer. nat. Torsten Burkholz


Laboratory analyses

All laboratory services for air, ventilation and refrigeration technology from a single source. Whether stationary or mobile refrigeration technology, we have the right analysis methods as well as the necessary expertise for you:

  • Analytics of refrigerants and refrigerant mixtures and their evaluation with regard to various current standards (e. g. DIN 8960, AHRI 700, SAE J2776, etc.). You can find the order form here: German, English   
  • Examination of new and used refrigerating machine oils, you can find the order form here: German, English
  • Determination of physical, chemical, thermodynamic and electrical properties of refrigerants, lubricants and their mixtures
  • Characterization of fluids and materials for stationary and mobile refrigeration technology
  • Chemical-thermal conditioning methods and compatibility tests of components with refrigerant-oil mixtures

Our laboratory ensures the highest degree of flexibility and quality. We offer competent (customer-specific) solutions for your analytical questions.

Requirements at the ILK

  • State-of-the-art measurement technology, including gas chromatographs (with FID, WLD and mass detectors), microwave digestion system, ICP-OES and much more 
  • Unique testing and measuring equipment
  • Development and evaluation of new (customer-speciffic)  test methods
  • Participation in standardization committees (e. g. DIN) and participation in new industry standards
  • Partial accreditation by the Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH (DAkkS) according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018
  • Many years of experience from research projects and industrial testing tasks

Our laboratory analytics provide you with more information in all areas: Starting with the release of new oils and refrigerants or their mixtures, through incoming goods inspection to quality monitoring of your equipment, processes and products during operation.

Your Request

Further Projects - Measurements and Tests


Mass Spectrometer

Determining the composition of gas mixtures in the high or ultra-high vacuum range


Tensile and compression testing

Determination of yield strength, tensile strength and elongation at break


Investigation of material-dependent parameters

Investigation of the permeation behavior


Low temperature – test facilities

thermal cycling tests at very low temperatures