Current research projects

Image Cryostats, Non-Metallic and Metallic
Image Computational fluid dynamics CFD
Image Calibration leak for the water bath leak test
Image Swirl-free on the move...
Image Laseroptical measurement
Image Reduction of primary noise sources of fans
Image Innovative small helium liquefier
Image In-situ investigation concerning the swelling behaviour of polymer materials under elevated pressures and temperatures
Image Thermostatic Expansion Valves
Image High temperature heat pump
Image Cold meter
Image Hydrogen and methane testing field at the ILK
Image Certification of efficient air conditioning and ventilation systems through the new "indoor air quality seal" for non-residential buildings
Image Non- invasive flow measurements
Image Low Temperature Tribology
Image Practical training, diploma, master, bachelor

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62 results found


Micro fluidic expansion valve

for increasing of the efficiency of small and compact cooling units


Hydrogen and methane testing field at the ILK

Simultaneously pressures up to 1,000 bar, temperatures down to –253°C


Low noise and non metallic liquid-helium cryostat

Low-noise Magnetic Field Cryostat for SQUID-Applications


Cryostats, Non-Metallic and Metallic

position indenpendent, highest endurance, tiltable for liquid helium and liquid nitrogen