Current research projects

Image Preformance measurements of heat exchangers
Image 3D - Air flow sensor
Image Range of services laboratory analyses
Image Software for test rigs
Image Industry 4.0 membrane heat and mass exchanger (i-MWÜ4.0)
Image Characterisation of Superconductors in Hydrogen Atmosphere
Image Energy efficiency consulting - cogeneration systems
Image Software modules
Image Tribological investigations of oil-refrigerant-material-systems
Image All-in-one device for freeze-drying and production of biomaterial
Image Innovative small helium liquefier
Image Investigation of coolants
Image Tensile and compression testing
Image Certification of efficient air conditioning and ventilation systems through the new "indoor air quality seal" for non-residential buildings
Image Thermostatic Expansion Valves
Image High temperature heat pump

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Testzentrum PLWP at ILK Dresden


Dr.-Ing. Matthias Böhm


Test Fluid-Energy Machines and Components

Development from Prüflabor Wärmepumpen to Testzentrum PLWP

In 2008 our Prüflabor Wärmepumpen (PLWP) at the ILK Dresden was for the first time accredited by DAP Deutsches Akkreditierungssystem Prüfwesen GmbH as part of an accreditation procedure according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025.

Since then, we have continuously expanded our range of services and tasks and made it more flexible. In addition to the testing of brine-to-water heat pumps, normative tests of air-to-water heat pumps, refrigeration condensing units, refrigerant compressors, fans and heat exchangers have been integrated into the PLWP product range.

The standard DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 of 2005, on which the accreditation is based, was fundamentally revised and updated by the international standards committee in 2018. This revision led to a complete conversion and modernization of the management system of the PLWP. The proof of competence of the PLWP to the DAkkS Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH based on this revision is still to be carried out in an 18-month cycle.

The development of our laboratory through the clearly completed range of services compared to the initial accreditation in 2008 as well as through the system adjustment in 2018 shall be clarified for the experts by the change and extension of the laboratory name.

Since 01.01.2020 our laboratory has therefore been operating under the name Testzentrum PLWP at ILK Dresden with the DAkkS registration no. D-PL-11043-01.

The current certificate of the DAkkS Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH proves the competence of the PLWP for

Determination of the heating and cooling capacity (test area PG 1) as well as acoustic investigations (test area PG 2) on fluid energy machines and refrigeration components.

Test center PLWP

The accredited test centre PLWP at the ILK Dresden was confirmed by the DAkkS as competent according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 for the following testing fields:

Determination of the heating and cooling capacity of fluid energy machines and refrigeration components as well as acoustic determinations on fluid energy machines and refrigeration components were verified.

Our two testing fields include especially measurements of heat pumps, refrigerant compressors, condensing units and heat exchangers (test standards EN 14511, EN 14825, EN 16147; EN 13771-1, EN 13771-2; EN 327, EN 328; DIN EN ISO 3741; DIN EN ISO 9614 and DIN EN 12102).

Status of accreditation

registration number PLWPDAkkS D-PL-11043-01-00
Norm systemDIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018
Frist accreditationFebruary 2008
Last accreditations2012, 2016
Updating System2020: Transfer of the updated norm DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018-03 into the management system of PLWP


technical supervision


In the result a test report is created (DAkkS checking-seal), that is internationally acknowledged within the framework of the ILAC-agreement.

The PLWP is internationally recognized as a test center in the ASERCOM (Certification programs - Compressors, Condensing Units), the EHPA (European Quality Label for Heat Pumps) and in CEN HP-KEYMARK Certification system.


Service Offer PLWP

The laboratory offers the following services according the accreditation:

  • Performance test of air-water heat pumps
  • Performance test of water/brine-water heat pumps
  • Performance test of refrigeration compressors
  • Performance test of condensing units
  • Performance test of industrial fans
  • Sound measurement of heat pumps or compressors

Additional Test Capabilities

The ILK has many experiecene in Testing out of many different research project. With this knowlege we offer the following test services outside the accreditation:

  • Life-cycle tests at refrigeration compressors
  • Condition and damage analyses at refrigeration compressors
  • Measurements at thermostatic expansion valves
  • Measurements at electrical expansion vales 
  • Efficiency tests of cooling systems
  • Test of domestic refrigerators and tumble dryers
  • Measurment of condensers and evaporators

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