Current research projects

Image Humidifier System for High-Purity Gases
Image Solar Cooling
Image Micro fluidic expansion valve
Image Corrosion inhibitor for ammonia absorption systems
Image Ice Slurry Generation
Image Range of services laboratory analyses
Image Laseroptical measurement
Image Certification of efficient air conditioning and ventilation systems through the new "indoor air quality seal" for non-residential buildings
Image Certifiable connection types in cryogenics
Image Calibration of Low Temperature Sensors
Image Pulse-Tube-Refrigerator with sealed compressor
Image IO-Scan - Integral measuring optical scanning method
Image Development of a Cryogenic Magnetic Air Separation Unit
Image Influenced melting point of water by magnetic field
Image Thermostatic Expansion Valves
Image Software for technical building equipment

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The Institute

The ILK Dresden is an independent and free research enterprise with the legal status of a non-profit limited liability company.

With its staff of 140, the ILK Dresden conducts industry-related research, development and technology transfer in the wide range of air handling and refrigeration technologies and their applications including related scientific and technical fields, such as

  • Cryogenics and cryophysics
  • Cryomedicine and cryobiology
  • Refrigeration and refrigerating equipment
  • Heat pump technology
  • Heat and mass transfer
  • Refrigerants and working fluids
  • Heating, ventilation, air conditioning, including fluid mechanics and acoustics
  • Air pollution control, particle separation, clean air technology
  • Utilisation of solar energy
  • Applied energy engineering, energy recovery
  • Water purification, desalination
  • Material engineering
  • Measurement and control technology
  • Sensor development

The ILK Dresden works as a commercial research & development company for all interested businesses and institutions of the related and applied branches as well as for the supplying industries.

The total service portfolio of the ILK comprises:

  • Free contract research
  • Process and product development
  • Studies, consulting and expertises
  • Scientific technical services, as well as experimental testing and analyses and investigations of facilities, components and materials acc.
  • to international standards
  • Innovative planning, mainly HVAC
  • Manufacturing and prototyping, especially the development and manufacturing of test stands

The ILK Dresden is structured into main departments. These departments comprise different fields of technology, which are subdivided into technical departments and working groups.

The ILK Dresden has at its disposal an experimental test area of 3000 m2 with 60 experimental und test facilities as well as 25 scientific and technical laboratories.

The ILK Dresden is certified according to ISO 9001.

The ILK Dresden and its employees are active members of various associations and societies:

  • SIG Sächsische Industrieforschungsgemeinschaft e. V.
  • Deutsche Industrieforschungsgemeinschaft Konrad Zuse
  • VIU Verband Innovativer Unternehmen e. V.
  • IHK Industrie- und Handelskammer Dresden
  • Gaef Gesellschaft für Aerosolforschung e.V.
  • IIR International Institut of Refrigeration
  • FKT Forschungsrat Kältetechnik e. V.
  • IUTA Institut für Energie und Umwelttechnik e.V.
  • VBI Verband Beratende Ingenieure
  • VDI Verein Deutscher Ingenieure
  • FGK Fachverband Gebäude-Klima e. V.
  • diiF Deutsches ITER Industrieforum e.V.
  • HKK Historische Kälte- und Klimatechnik e.V.
  • DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V
  • ZVKKW Zentralverband Kälte Klima Wärmepumpen e.V.
  • VDKF Verband Deutscher Kälte-Klima-Fachbetriebe e. V.
  • BWP Bundesverband Wärmepumpe e. V.
  • ehpa european heat pump association
  • DGZfP Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung e. V.
  • DSTTP Deutsche Solarthermie Technologie Plattform
  • ESTTP European Solar Thermal Technology Platform
  • FEE Fördergesellschaft Erneuerbare Energien
  • Green Chiller Association for Sorption Cooling e. V.
  • ADI Arbeitskreis Dresdner Informationsvermittler e. V.
  • Verein d. Ingenieurausbildung d. Gebäude- u. Energietechnik Dresden e. V.
  • Förderverein d. HTW Dresden e.V.

Further training and education of students at the ILK Dresden is facilitated by ILK’s numerous contacts with universities and university of applied sciences in the form of conducting and supervising internships and diploma projects.

The sole shareholder of ILK Dresden is the "Foundation Luft- und Kältetechnik". So the incorporated promotion association of ILK possesses an important rate for the long-term safeguarding of the neutrality of the ILK technology company to mean a firm and branche independency as well as for the safeguarding of the non-profit character of ILK Dresden.

In addition to the promotion of the distribution of latest sientific achievments on the special fields of ILK Dresden there is also the promotion of young academics amongst others by the reward of excellent student`s activities.