Current research projects

Image Preformance measurements of heat exchangers
Image 3D - Air flow sensor
Image Measurement of insulated packaging
Image Measurements on ceiling mounted cooling systems
Image Cool Up
Image Helium extraction from natural gas
Image Innovative cryogenic cooling system for the recondensation / liquefaction of technical gases up to 77 K
Image Computational fluid dynamics CFD
Image Cryogenic liquid piston pumps for cold liquefied gases like LIN, LOX, LHe, LH2, LNG, LAr
Image All-in-one device for freeze-drying and production of biomaterial
Image Testzentrum PLWP at ILK Dresden
Image Optimizing HVAC operation with machine learning
Image Solar Cooling
Image Development of test methods and test rigs for stationary integrated refrigeration units
Image Characterisation of Superconductors in Hydrogen Atmosphere
Image Air-water heat pumps

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Refrigerants, lubricants and mixtures


on request

Dr. Steffen Feja


Determination of working fluid properties

Investigations of refrigerants, oils and its mixtures

On base of our great database and knowledge ILK offer consulting services to choose the right refrigerant-lubricant system for special purposes. Following you will find a selection of applicable determination methods to qualify working fluid.

Floc point


DIN 51351


Pressure proof autoclave with elongate glasses, cooling bath


The refrigerant-oil mixture with defined weight fraction (10 wt% oil) is cooled down in a pressure proof autoclave with elongate glasses (see picture 1), until flocs appear at a defined temperature.

The cloud point is dependent from the concentration of the refrigerant-oil mixture.

Temperature range:

 –60 °C to room temperature

Pressure range:1 to 70 bar

Amount of sample required:

10 ml


Nebula Test (5 wt% oil), Cloud point of immiscible fluids ( = with oil saturated refrigerants)

 [top:nach oben]

Solidification Point / Pour Point


DIN ISO 3016


Freezing tube with stirrer, cooling bath


The liquid to be tested is cooled down until the liquid is no more free-flowing at a defined temperature.

Temperature range:

–60 °C to room temperature

Amount of sample required:

250 ml

 [top:nach oben]

Miscibility Gap


DIN 51514


Pressure proof autoclave with elongate glasses, cooling bath


The segregation line between one and two phase of refrigerant-oil mixtures is determined in dependency of the concentration, both at high and low temperatures.

Temperature range:

–60 °C to 140 °C

Pressure range:1 to 70 bar

Amount of sample required:

250 ml

 [top:nach oben]

Specific heat capacity


ASTM D 3947 or E 1269


Differential scanning calorimeter Setaram µDSC7 evo or Differential scanning calorimeter TA Instruments Q200


Thermal effects of the sample can be detected in dependence of temperature and time by continuous heating, cooling or isothermal operation mode and comparing with a reference. For instance these effects can be freezing, melting, phase changing effects, chemical reaction and so on.

Temperature range:

-45 °C to 90 °C in the pressure range up to 20 bar

-180 °C to 750 °C at normal pressure up to 200 bar

Pressure range:

1 to 200 bar


0,2 µW

Amount of sample required:

10 ml

 [top:nach oben]

Thermal conductivity


test cell for stationary cylinder gap method


The coolant to be measured is placed in a gap between a heatable inner and an outer cylinder. The inner cylinder is heated with a defined rate. After the heat flow is stationary the temperature difference of the liquid in the gap is measured with Pt100 temperature sensor.

Temperature range:

-40 °C to 140 °C

Pressure range:

1 to 100 bar

Measurement range:

50 to 200 mW · m–1 · K–1

Amount of sample required:

250 ml

 [top:nach oben]

Vapor pressure


Test cell for determination of vapor pressure (500 cm3)


The measurement of the vapor pressure allows conclusions on the liquid solubility of the refrigerant in refrigeration oil. The refrigerant-oil mixture is made gravimetric direct in the measuring cell (picture 2). This cell is tempered and the vapor pressure is determined with direct method.

Temperature range:

-60 to 90°C

Pressure range:

 1 to 130 bar

Amount of sample required:

500 ml

 [top:nach oben]



DIN 51757


Oscillating U-tube density meter DPR 412 Y / DMA 60 (Anton Paar)


A defined volume of the sample is filled into a U-shaped tube which is electronically excited into undamped oscillation. The eigenfrequency of this U-tube is depending on the mass of the sample. The density is calculated from the frequency of the oscillation.

Temperature range:

-10 °C to 140 °C

Pressure range:

1 to 160 bar

Measurement range:

600 to 1300 kg · m–3


< 15.000 mm2 · s-1

Amount of sample required:

250 ml

 [top:nach oben]

Dynamic / Kinematic viscosity


ASTM D 7483


Oscillating piston viscometer (Cambridge Viscosity)


Oscillating piston viscometers allow dynamic viscosity measurement of a broad range of materials including transparent, translucent and opaque liquids. The measurement principle and stainless steel construction makes the Oscillating Piston Viscometer resistant to damage and suitable for portable operations. Kinematic viscosity is calculeted from dynamic viscosity with the density.

Temperature range:

-40 to 140 °C

Pressure range:

1 to 160 bar

Measurement range:

0,2 to 20.000 mPa · s

Amount of sample required:

at least 10 ml

 [top:nach oben]

Dielectric constant - Permittivity


ASTM D 924 – 04; DIN IEC 247


Pressure proof measuring cell for measuring electrical properties (selfmade)


The test liquid or the mixture of refrigerant and refrigeration oil is placed in an annular gap. Inner cylinder and outer cylinder are used as electrodes. The measuring cell can be tempered. The permittivity, the alternating current resistance and the dissipation factor are measured at standard conditions of 1 V and 1kHz.

Temperature range:

-20 to 100 °C

Pressure range:

1 to 140 bar

Measurement range:

1 to 20

Amount of sample required:

250 ml

 [top:nach oben]

Direct current of insulating liquids


ASTM D 1169 – 02; DIN IEC 247


Pressure proof measuring cell for measuring electrical properties (selfmade)


The test liquid or the mixture of refrigerant and refrigeration oil is placed in an annular gap. Inner cylinder and outer cylinder are used as electrodes. The measuring cell can be tempered. The direct current resistance can be determined with an exposure from 1 to 500 V and 3 mA to 0,1 pA (10-12 A).

Temperature range:

-20 to 100 °C

Pressure range:

1 to 140 bar

Measurement range:

1 kW – 1,6 TW

Amount of sample required:

250 ml

 [top:nach oben]

DSC Measurements





Differential scanning calorimeter Setaram µDSC VII or Differential scanning calorimeter TA Instruments Q200



Besides the measurement of heat capacity of solids and fluids following material parameter are measurable with differential scanning calorimetry at the ILK:


  • Melting and crystallization enthalpies and temperatures
  • Storage capacity of PCM according RAL-standard
  • Glass transition of synthetic material
  • Decomposition enthalpy and temperature
  • Reaction enthalpy (pressure dependent on request)
  • On request: absorption  enthalpy of gases in gas storage material (i.e. zeolite) 

Temperature range:

-40 °C to 750 °C

Pressure range:

1 bar (whole temperature range); 1 to 100 bar (-45 to 90 °C) higher pressures or temperatures on request

Amount of sample required:

1 ml or 1 mg
 [top:nach oben]

Further measurements (for instance neutralization number (TAN, TBN),  speed of sound, surface tension) can be arranged on request.

Your Request

Further Projects - Measurements and Tests


3D - Air flow sensor

Anemometer for determination of 3d-air flow