„Ideas will be Innovations“

The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy presents itself again at the Hannover Fair 2019. The world’s leading fair for the industry is themed “Integrated Industry – Industrial Intelligence”. Thus, the fair dedicates itself to issues which are present today in almost every area of life and which will only gain in importance in the future: artificial intelligence and mechanical learning. Themed „Ideas will be Innovations”, the fair will present projects in different stadiums of development at the booth of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy.
The Institute of Air Handling and Refrigeration (ILK) will present itself and its vacuum liquid ice technology in the market place segment in hall 2 | Booth C28.
The efficient and especially flexible cold storage technology using pumpable ice with a melting temperature of minus 5 °C, which has been developed by the Institute of Air Handling and Refrigeration (ILK), illustrated the application of cost-efficient storage material in refrigeration plants. Vacuum liquid ice can be applied in order to store cold in air-conditioning systems and process refrigeration plants. It is also suitable for district cooling, for the linkage of warmth and cold, for “heating with ice” and for the valorisation of water bodies as heat sources.
Worldwide air-conditioning systems and refrigeration plants are using up a lot of electricity and cause high peak loads, especially in warm regions. Ice is an excellent and sustainable cold storage. However, previous procedures for the generation of ice have been too inefficient and inflexible. Using the vacuum ice procedure, pumpable ice is generated in the most efficient way – whenever energy is available from renewable sources (“power-to-cold”). The energy is stored in a large-sized way and is flexibly available. Thus, cold can be generated whenever sun and wind provide enough electricity.
In the framework of the joint project WindNODE of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, the application of Power-to-Cold (PtC) is tested and demonstrated in an industrial environment. „WindNODE – The display window for intelligent energy from North-Eastern Germany” is an important contribution to energy transition.