Current research projects

Image Test procedures for electrical components
Image Micro fluidic expansion valve
Image Hydrogen and methane testing field at the ILK
Image Investigation according to DIN EN ISO 14903
Image Air-flow test rig for fan characteristic measurement
Image Certifiable connection types in cryogenics
Image Investigation of coolants
Image Lifetime prediction of hermetic compressor systems
Image High temperature heat pump
Image Filter Tests
Image Cryostats, Non-Metallic and Metallic
Image Innovative Manufacturing Technologies for Cryosorption Systems
Image Low Temperature Tribology
Image State of system and failure analyses
Image Panel with indirect evaporative cooling via membrane
Image Development of a Cryogenic Magnetic Air Separation Unit

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M.Sc. Christian Hanzelmann



Herstellung neuartiger Sperrschichten an elastomeren Dichtungsmaterialien zur Verminderung der Permeation des Kältemittels R744 (CO2)

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Further Projects


Mass Spectrometer

Determining the composition of gas mixtures in the high or ultra-high vacuum range


Tensile and compression testing

Determination of yield strength, tensile strength and elongation at break


Investigation of material-dependent parameters

Investigation of the permeation behavior


Cool Up

Upscaling Sustainable Cooling


Ionocaloric cooling

Ionocaloric solid-liquid phase cooling process