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Image Helium extraction from natural gas
Image In-situ investigation concerning the swelling behaviour of polymer materials under elevated pressures and temperatures
Image High temperature heat pump
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Image High Capacity Pulse Tube Cooler
Image Hybrid- Fluid for CO2-Sublimation Cycle
Image Combined building and system simulation
Image Influenced melting point of water by magnetic field
Image Hydrogen and methane testing field at the ILK
Image Corrosion inhibitor for ammonia absorption systems
Image Tensile and compression testing
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Nanouptake: Young scientist wins „Enrique Julia Prize

sponsored by the ILK Dresden


Ms Uxia Calvina is the winner…

… of the relatively young „Nanouptake Award“.

In memory of the European network’s founder Enrique Julia, who passed away unexpectedly after a network meeting travelling from Dresden to Berlin in 2018, the „Enrique Julia Prize“ is awarded annually to young scientists. The focus lies on outstanding work in the field of heat transfer with nanofluids.

This year for the first time, the prize includes a prize money of 600 Euros sponsored by the Institute of Air Handling and Refrigeration (ILK).

Matthias H. Buschmann, Chair NANOConVEX COST CIG Project and associate of the Institute of Air Handling and Refrigeration (ILK) symbolically handed the certificate to Ms Uxia Calvina from the University of Vigo, Department of Applied Physics in Spain on September 10, 2021 for her project "Heat transfer performance of ZrO2 nanofluids in a gasketed plate heat exchanger".

Nanoaufnahme | Maßnahmen zur Überwindung von Hindernissen für die Marktakzeptanz von Nanofluiden (

Nanouptake – Overcoming Barriers to Nanofluids Market Uptake (COST Action CA15119) aims to create a Europe-wide network of leading R+D+i institutions, and of key industries, to develop and foster the use of nanofluids as advanced heat transfer/thermal storage materials to increase the efficiency of heat exchange and storage systems.

By developing of nanofluids up to higher Technological Readiness Levels (TRL) and overcoming commercial application barriers, Nanouptake will contribute to achieve the European Horizon 2020 Energy and Climate objectives (Societal Challenges 3: Secure, efficient and clean energy; and 6: Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials).

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