Current research projects

Image Development of test methods and test rigs for stationary integrated refrigeration units
Image Thermal engines
Image Electrochemical decontamination of electrically conducting surfaces „EDeKo II“
Image Reducing the filling quantity
Image In-Situ-Swelling Behaviour of Polymer Materials in Flammable Fluids
Image Optimizing HVAC operation with machine learning
Image Innovative cryogenic cooling system for the recondensation / liquefaction of technical gases up to 77 K
Image Micro heat exchangers in refrigeration
Image Computational fluid dynamics CFD
Image Service offer for Leak Detection and Tightness Test
Image Low temperature – test facilities
Image Hybrid- Fluid for CO2-Sublimation Cycle
Image Testzentrum PLWP at ILK Dresden
Image Humidifier System for High-Purity Gases
Image Helium extraction from natural gas
Image Pulse-Tube-Refrigerator with sealed compressor

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Preformance measurements of heat exchangers


Dipl.-Ing. Markus Müller


Is the heat exchanger properly sized?

We support the industry to improve the efficiency of components for cooling systems and heat pumps.

The ILK Dresden offers the following services:

We determine the preformance and pressure losses of plate heat exchangers (evaporators and condensors) or other heat exchangers for liquids in a defined range.
The measurment is based on the following norms

  • DIN EN 306 Heat exchangers - Methods of measuring the parameters necessary for establishing the performance
  • DIN EN 1117 Heat exchangers - Liquid cooled refrigerant condensors - Test procedures for establishing the performance
  • DIN EN 1118 Heat exchangers - Refrigerant cooled liquid coolers - Test procedure for establishing the performance

The test are preformed at a special developed test rig, which can be seen on the following picture.

Operation range of the test rig

  • Kältemittel: Refrigerants: R134a, R404a, R407C, R410A, R507, (others on request)
  • Coolant: Brine
  • Heat carrier: Water
  • Maximum Performance condensor: 70 kW
  • Maximum Performance evaporator: 60 kW

The measurement systems are calibrated regularly.

Additional services

We can support you at following tasks

  • Technical design of components
  • Optimisation of components
  • Software development for technical design and optimisation

Also we can offer you

  • static and time-varying thermal simulations
  • thermography of components

The ILK Dresden has many expertise and a high flexibility in the field of air and refrigeration technology. You will benefit from the broad spectrum of our research directions and technologies as well as the integration of various fields of expertise.

Your Request

Further Projects


Characterisation of Superconductors in Hydrogen Atmosphere

Are superconductors really compatible with hydrogen?


Corrosion inhibitor for ammonia absorption systems

An alternative to chromium(VI) compounds


Development of a Cryogenic Magnetic Air Separation Unit

Oxygen Enrichment by Applied Cryogenic Magnetohydrodynamics


Software for test rigs

Individual software for complex tests and evaluation