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Image Multifunctional electronic modules for cryogenic applications
Image Laseroptical measurement
Image Computational fluid dynamics CFD
Image Characterisation of Superconductors in Hydrogen Atmosphere
Image Investigation of materials
Image Swirl-free on the move...
Image Performance tests of condensing units
Image Heat2Power
Image Innovative small helium liquefier
Image Test rigs for refrigeration and heat pump technology
Image Behavior of multiphase cryogenic fluids
Image Lifetime prediction of hermetic compressor systems
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Image Humidifier System for High-Purity Gases
Image Hydrogen and methane testing field at the ILK
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ILK Dresden successfully participated in

9th IIR Conference “Ammonia & CO2 Refrigeration Technologies


The use of natural refrigerants is an important step towards the reduction of the greenhouse effect.

Ammonia und CO2 – two of the oldest natural refrigerants – stood in the focus of the 9th IIR Conference “Ammonia and CO2 Refrigeration Technologies“, which went from September 16-17, 2021. The conference dealt with the construction of modern ammonia systems as well as new CO2 systems, and with technological innovations, the improvement of energy efficiency, technical guidelines, eco-friendly technologies and security regulations.

The ILK scientists Dr. Germanus and Dr. Feja from the main sector Applied Materials Engineering contributed to the conference’s transfer of expertise with their own findings about the thermodynamics of CO2, e.g. for the extension of refrigeration down to low temperatures, but also transcritical applications.

Dr. Germanus gave report about the possibility of employing a Hybrid fluids

for compressor lubrication and using it as heat transfer fluid for the sublimation of CO2 in refrigeration circuits. Thus, a precondition has been created for reaching refrigeration temperatures down to approx. -75 °C with the help of CO2. Dr. Feja, in another presentation, took a closer look at the relationship between the thermodynamic quantities steam pressure, density and viscosity of CO2 oil composites in the ultracritical state of CO2.

Further information: Refrigerants-lubricants-mixtures

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