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3D - Air flow sensor


on request

Dr. Ralph Krause


Anemometer for determination of 3d-air flow

Measuring System for determination of three-dimensional air flow conditions

The termal air flow sensor on flow-through-basis is an air velocity anemometer for determination oft he amount and the direction of a three-dimensional air flow in a gaseous fluid. The main application field is the determination of very low air velocities with changeable flow direction and high turbulence rates.


The new thermal flow sensor on flow-through-basis enables the determination of the air flow vector in a three-dimensional air flow field on a most simple way and with very high accuracy.

If there are turbulent air flows the effect of turbulence on the measuring result is considered. The actual flow vector is recorded in a large time resolution. Therefore the determination of an unsteady flow vector is possible too.

No special knowledge for the realization of the measuring tasks is required from the user. The measuring system is simple to handle and mechanically very robust.

The determination of flow vector is carried out online. By this way the demand for one measurement is limited on minimum. 

Advantages for the user

  • Large measuring range: 0.01 .. 10 m/s
  • Measurement of very low flow velocities is possible
  • Measurement of unsteady air flows
  • Determination and Consideration of turbulence rate
  • Real time measurement with 0.1 s time resolution for air flow velocity and direction
  • No sensor adjustment for the determination of flow direction is needed
  • No special knowledge for the realization of measuring tasks is needed
  • Calibration for several velocity ranges
  • A lot of possibilities for supervision and control functions

Technische Daten

Flow velocity
(measuring ranges)
0..0,5 0..1, 0..2, 0..5, 0..10 m/s
Flow direction3D room
Measuring accuracy1..5 %, depending on the measuring range
Turbulence ratedetermination from 0 %
Turbulence rate correctionconsideraton of turbulence effect
GrenzfreqFrequency limituenz140 Hz
Update interval10 ms
Data outputanalog/ digital



Software with individual adaption to specific requirementsdetermination of thermal behavior

recording of three-dimensional flow fields

supervision, controlling
Further mesuring pointse.g. temperature, humidity, radiation, air pressure
Sensor positioninglaser pointer
Options    Transport box, tripod, laptop, printer, data logger, controlling component

Your Request

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