Current research projects

Image Micro heat exchangers in refrigeration
Image Calibration leak for the water bath leak test
Image Service offer for Leak Detection and Tightness Test
Image 3D - Air flow sensor
Image Energy efficiency consulting - cogeneration systems
Image Micro fluidic expansion valve
Image In-situ investigation concerning the swelling behaviour of polymer materials under elevated pressures and temperatures
Image Reducing the filling quantity
Image Certifiable connection types in cryogenics
Image Air-flow test rig for fan characteristic measurement
Image Low Temperature Tribology
Image Investigation of coolants
Image Ice Slurry Generation
Image Non- invasive flow measurements
Image Filter Tests
Image Corrosion inhibitor for ammonia absorption systems

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Numerische und Experimentelle Untersuchung zum Gefährdungspotential durch SARS-CoV-2 in klimatisierten Räumen


01/2021 - 12/2023

PD Dr.-Ing. habil. Matthias H. Buschmann


Your Request

Further Projects


Investigation of materials

Investigations regarding the compatibility of materials with refrigerants, oils and heat transfer fluids


Non- invasive flow measurements

PDPA - flow fields and particle sizes


Computational fluid dynamics CFD

Scientific analysis of flows