On Tuesday, September 14th, 2021, the 13th Colloquium on Air Pollution Control took place in the great hall of the German Hygiene Museum in Dresden with 80 participants for the first time. Latest scientific findings about air quality were presented in an environment externally Covid-compliant and substantially contemporarily influenced by Covid19.
In the focus: the failure to install modern ventilation systems in public buildings, schools, office spaces or restaurants for years
For two years now, Covid19 has mercilessly shown society, that healthy air being essential for survival is the reality. But on the one hand, product development in the field of filter technology needs a lot of time in order to react to current situations. On the other hand, decisions of public authorities on investments and allocations also require a longer time frame.
After Prof. Mario Reichel of the Association for the Promotion of Air and Refrigeration Technology welcomed the participants, Andrea Nickol, Head of the VDI state association Saxony had the word. Prof. Uwe Truyen of the Institute for Animal Hygiene and Public Veterinary Services (University Leipzig) then talked about the existence of viruses in the air, their transmission and the possibilities of proof as part of and in the course of the Covid pandemic. The question, whether room air purifiers could indeed provide for better room air, was answered by Prof. Christoph Kaup of the Environmental Campus Birkenfeld (Trier University of Applied Sciences), who presented latest findings on the matter. Dr. Kersten Bux of the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health then reported on how new regulations within the workplace ordinance for the improvement of air at the workplace came into existence intensely and quickly over the course of the last two years due to Corona.
For the first time, the afternoon program offered different workshops and presentations at the same time. The workshops, which were held by employees of the ILK Dresden, dealt – among other topics – with air measurement in schools with Christian Friebe, the determination of the real air change rate with Ralf Heidenreich, the acoustic assessment of ventilation systems and tools with Ralph Krause as well as with the evaluation of filtration efficiency of room air cleaners. Furthermore, Enrico Rose gave an insight into the ILK Dresden as a partner of the industry and the public, and explained the opportunities of collaboration with regards to scientific studies as well as services such as measurements, the prototype construction etc.
In his conclusion, Mr. Heidenreich addressed the fact that within ten years the matter of air contamination control has clearly moved closer to the people. While during the event in 2011, the damaging impact of emissions on the climate was discussed, the value of clean air, which does not make people ill, is more tangible on a personal level in the year 2021. Air connects all people and the contamination control of air is a task which affects everybody. Thereby, it is the professional exchange as well as discussions on a personal level that are most important provide for impulses and stimuli on the matter. The 13. Colloquium has made its contribution to the above. Mr. Heidenreich thanked all of the participants, especially the organizational team, all of the speakers as well as the exhibitors, and he announced the 14. Colloquium on Air Contamination Control in September 2023.